- Python 3
- C++
- Numerical computation and analysis with numpy, scipy, pandas
- Plotting and visualization with matplotlib, bokeh, plotly
- Dynamic dashboards with bokeh server, dash, grafana, kibana
- Async, multi-thread and multi-process programming
- SQL and NoSQL data sources
- Version control using Git
- Containerism with Docker
- CI/CD pipelines
- Linux, including BASH and AWK scripting
- Timeseries analysis (regular and non-regular intervals)
- Signal processing (Fourier domain filtering, convolution)
- Working with large, multidimensional datasets
- Numerical optimization of multidimensional models
- Data modelling
- Regression analysis
- Worked with a range of data sources, signals and models to develop applications for traders
- Developed data analysis and visualisation tools for research
- Converted research ideas into efficient production code
- Signal processing of seismic data for the oil and gas exploration industry
- Data analysis and interpretation of complex geophysical data sets
- Time and depth processing of 2D and 3D marine datasets
- Velocity model building via tomography and FWI
- Signal filtering for removing noise and multiple components (TFDN, SRME, Radon)
- Dynamics of magnetic nanoparticle chain formation and its effects on proton transverse relaxivity